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Old 08-28-2005, 04:44 AM
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Montejano Montejano is offline
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: Spain
Posts: 934
Thanks to all the friends to look at my work.
Friend - alexkuzn, friend don't despair everything it takes his time; you think that more time has cost me in to carry out it that there is you to have to wait to see it.
It is more important to see the process of their realization that to see the ended knife; because in the process they memorize things and in general term many processes are not usually shown in the forums.
This knife is simple, comparative with some of the knives that I have; but I have liked as it has been.

Thanks to all.



Gracias a todos los amigos por mirar mi trabajo .
Amigo - alexkuzn , no se desespere amigo todo lleva su tiempo; piense usted , que a m? me ha costado m?s tiempo en realizarlo , que ha usted tener que esperar para verlo.
Es m?s importante ver el proceso de su realizaci?n , que ver el cuchillo terminado ; pues en el proceso se aprenden cosas y en t?rmino general no se suelen mostrar muchos procesos en los foros .
Este cuchillo es sencillo, comparado con algunos de los cuchillos que tengo ; pero me ha gustado como ha quedado.

Gracias a todos .


Now once finished a part of the hilt, we will adorn it
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