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Old 03-22-2005, 02:15 PM
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SteveS SteveS is offline
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: Silicon Valley, CA
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Actually I've always used acra glas (Gel - remember I'm testing the gel. It's different than the regular). I was rooting for it. But if you think about what it was designed for, this isn't it. Is was designed for gap filling and impact strength. Yes it sticks to stuff. But that's a little different. So I'm not TOO suprised that it failed when squeezed tight.

Gel - 25 minute working time. Nylon Derivatives. reengineered 1:1 Mix
non-gel - 15 minute work time, 1:4 Mix
Acra-weld - ???? maybe the same as the Gel? I don't know.

People need to specify which one they are talking about. I've always said Acraglas. However, I meant the Gel.


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