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Old 08-05-2016, 05:10 PM
jmccustomknives jmccustomknives is offline
Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: Alabama
Posts: 554
Sometime Sunday you'll see a thread pop up called Sunday chat, it will tell you what time. Just click the link.
As far as welding a top on cast, yes you can. But that takes it's on skill set to pull off. Getting it to work is pretty difficult as cast iron is prone to cracking and the rods required to do the job are expensive. By the time you've spent all the money and time to do it right you could have bought something better and been working.

Work hardening isn't like heat treating, basically your compacting by the hammer the crystal structure. In time this makes the surface of the material harder, but it doesn't come to the level of heat treated tool steel.

Forging tools like hammers is more of a blacksmith thing than a bladesmith. Although you can learn, and there's nothing wrong with it, to make your own tools. Like Ray said, most of us have better things to do with our time than make tools that are already available. There are some custom tooling you'll need to make in time but learn the basics. Like a musical instrument, your not going to play a song until you learn the notes.
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