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Old 02-21-2021, 12:33 AM
jimmontg jimmontg is offline
Join Date: Jan 2016
Location: Now live in Las Cruces NM.
Posts: 1,345
Talking Doesn't look that bad.

First don't worry about wear on your table. Put brass nuts on the bottom of your angle iron to set your grind bevel.
Now is the belt in any way bouncing as it goes over your spacing plate?
Or does the belt tend to wobble slightly side to side, even a tiny bit? I'd bet it does and that is the belt riding right on top of the the bow in the top wheel. On that type of a sander that is an idler wheel, first check and see if it is loose a little bit. If it is a little bit try to bend the arms in that are holding the roller by putting a wedge on the outside arm after putting the belt on. Also you can take a file and take a little bit of the center of the bow on the wheel. Not much, and experiment until you see the belt stays steady and does not move side to side.

Also when you go to grind your knife do not push the belt sideways with too much pressure, let the belt do the work.
Try this last sentence first if there isn't any wobble to speak of unless it wobbles when you start grinding which just means you'll have to take some of the crown off the top wheel, but not too much, it needs some crown, but its made for a wider belt than you are using.

Hope that helps Rasmus.
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