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Old 05-06-2003, 06:20 PM
jph jph is offline
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Ya know..there are some days...

Ya know, there are some days when it simply isn't worth getting outta bed.. I did 5 rapier blades today and every one of the #$!!!**&!! things warped as crooked as a $20.00 lawyer. Spent almost an hour getting them straightend up again. Well at least I know how to do that, but still..Hellfire and always seems to happen when I am pressed for time as I need to get these finished, mounted and blued for this weekend's RPFS.

This is one of my pet peeves about doing long skinny blades with drastic changes in cross sections, especially the Konigsmark blades...Like I said, at least I know how to correct the problem when it does happen. Maybe I should just bite the bullet and get a larger salt bath but the production capacity isn't as high as the more tradititional heat sources...unless I gt a REALLY BIG one and well, I don;t care to have that much molten salt hanging around..

So does anyone else have any pet peeves??

JPH (who actually has a pet named Peeves, a really lovable Basset hound....)

Dr Jim Hrisoulas,
Author, Researcher, Swordsmith
Living in the Nevada desert.
N-T Hirsute Hine'y Hrisoulas
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Old 05-06-2003, 06:41 PM
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Yes - customers who after you tell them that you are backordered X amount of time, go OK and place an order ,and the start calling or emailing you a week later every other day for a status report!:evil :confused:

Chuck Burrows
Hand Crafted Leather & Frontier Knives
dba Wild Rose Trading Co
Durango, CO

Wild Rose Trading Co - Handcrafted Knife Sheaths

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Old 05-06-2003, 07:42 PM
jph jph is offline
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well ya know


Well ya know that's almost as bad as being 1/2 way into a project and the client calls up with major design changes....

Oh what's even worse is you are half way into a project and you coime up with another "bright idea" that you just HAVE to try out and wind up spending even more time...


Dr Jim Hrisoulas,
Author, Researcher, Swordsmith
Living in the Nevada desert.
N-T Hirsute Hine'y Hrisoulas
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Old 05-06-2003, 08:00 PM
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Well I just got off the phone with a customer that is so ANAL that his head is so far up it that he can't see daylight!!!! AAAAGHH!!!!:evil :evil :evil
When am I going to learn to say NOOOOOO!!!!

Don't get too many midway design changes (fortunately) from customers, but I do get a lot of those URGES to try something NEW and well.....

BTW for those who have been reading Jim's post and may not know what RPFS is it's: Renaissance Pleasure Faire South (ie in So Cal)

Now Rapier sheaths are one of those other pet peeves for sure. Love making the Elizabethan style multi buckle hangers for them but the sheaths can be a real pain! (the customers usually are too with those:evil They always seem to have AN IDEA.....)

Chuck Burrows
Hand Crafted Leather & Frontier Knives
dba Wild Rose Trading Co
Durango, CO

Wild Rose Trading Co - Handcrafted Knife Sheaths

The beautiful sheaths created for storing the knife elevate the knife one step higher. It celebrates the knife it houses.

Last edited by Chuck Burrows; 05-06-2003 at 08:03 PM.
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Old 05-06-2003, 08:17 PM
Lawrence Kemp Lawrence Kemp is offline
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Actually I was about to ask about that. Boy I sure am glad I didn't just get off the phone with you Chuck!

I guess my pet peeve is starting something new, and realizing half-way through that I REALLY didn't think it through....Gee I guess that quench pan could be longer, or my fave, how am I going to hold all this and hit it too? Wish I had thought to lay those gloves over here!

Peace Brudda,
NT/Lickin' Leech Kemp
ABS Journeyman Smith
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Old 05-06-2003, 08:29 PM
jph jph is offline
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Well as far as sheaths go in general, I LOATHE making them..I really do, I will be the first to admit that my leatherwork is "utilitarian" at best and more "rustic" than refined. I have given it the old college try a couple of times and well, all I know is enough to respect you folks who do the wonderful work.. I look at it this way,(and I am speaking from years of experience...) if I can't get it hot and hit it with a hammer...I simply won't be able to do it. Just like wood working..Now I do have a bone to pick with the guy who came up with the name "ironwood"..cause you sure can't forge it at all..Talk about red short problems...

I know about the A.R. guys with the H.U.T.A. syndromes.. That is one of the major reasons why I don't do shows any longer. I got every single knuckleheaded "sword expert" in the world spewing some pretty outrageous stuff.. Still the best one was the guy who asked about a very nice PW Sheffield style Bowie and I told him..he looked at it a few more moments and walked away...shaking his head and said to his friend "Geeze for that kind of money you'd think he could get all those lines outta the blade".. Then there's number two who said that the European sword weighed in excess of 15 lbs...

Seriously now, you hide cutters amaze the beegeezus outta me. I am doing good cutting s straight line and you guys do all sorts of spiffy stuff... ####...So I will just remain a hammer head and let you art-teesty types do what ya all do..


Dr Jim Hrisoulas,
Author, Researcher, Swordsmith
Living in the Nevada desert.
N-T Hirsute Hine'y Hrisoulas
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Old 05-06-2003, 08:36 PM
jph jph is offline
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Been there many a as for thinking stuff through, may I offer a suggestion?? Maybe if you DID think things all the way through, there's a excellent chance you'd never of started them in the first place?!!?

As for holding things...THAT is why I got the treadle hammer! I am prertty good standing on one foot from years of power hammer work so now I can hold onto the work, and the top tool and use my leg to whack it where and when I need it whacked!! Why it took me so long to get one I have no idea..Once I get caught up I am really going to explore the thing's capabilities...

Well, as I have always said...

"Experience is what you get when you don't get what you wanted"

JPH (That which does not kill me, pi**es me off)
back to the rapiers....

Dr Jim Hrisoulas,
Author, Researcher, Swordsmith
Living in the Nevada desert.
N-T Hirsute Hine'y Hrisoulas
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Old 05-06-2003, 08:41 PM
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Chuck Burrows Chuck Burrows is offline
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Any time you want to send your blades to this art-teesty type to make sheaths for them. I do spec work as well as custom.

15 lbs for a European sword eh? The last original European sword I did a sheath for was a Landsknecht (I know the original's weren't sheathed but...) and it weighed maybe 5 pounds. Beautifully balanced.

Larry-I don't get tooo cranky with those who aren't on my $hite list so you'd have been OK. Course you would have had to LISTEN to my rant rather than read it.

Chuck Burrows
Hand Crafted Leather & Frontier Knives
dba Wild Rose Trading Co
Durango, CO

Wild Rose Trading Co - Handcrafted Knife Sheaths

The beautiful sheaths created for storing the knife elevate the knife one step higher. It celebrates the knife it houses.
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Old 05-06-2003, 08:58 PM
cactusforge cactusforge is offline
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Pet peeves yes I have some, Hammers handles that won't stay tight unless soaked in water is one. Another is when I cut something off say a piece of Brass and it is still too short.

Old 05-06-2003, 10:56 PM
jph jph is offline
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On therm there sheathy things..the only "problem" I have is that I NEED IT NOW. I have tried subbing them out and if I had any hair at all, I'da pulled it all out. I simply do not have the time to ship stuff, let the leather guy do his/her thing and then ship back..I need it done ASAP and even then, halfd the time, it isn' quick enough..Althouh I may be calling ya about something for me.....personal like...whahahahahahaaa.... Still you leather guys do some downright impressive stuff...


we sounds like you have the same problem I had until I got the fix.. Here's what ya need to do..double wedge the handle into the head, make sure you have "fresh clean grain" showing on the business end of the handle up in the hammer head poll and then soak it in oil for a week.. That should last ya oh three or four years before ya need to soak it again. I had the same complaint when I first moved out here to the wilds of Southern Nevada 12/13 years ago. Did that once and then again every 4 years or so when they first get a tad loose and well, don't have any complaints.

As for cutting..well I cut one piece three times and was still short when I was done!! In fact it kept getting shorter and shorter!!

JPH (Rapiers are ready to hilt and the hilts are ready for clean up..thank the Powers that Be for Flex shaft machines)

Dr Jim Hrisoulas,
Author, Researcher, Swordsmith
Living in the Nevada desert.
N-T Hirsute Hine'y Hrisoulas
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Old 05-06-2003, 11:13 PM
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Customer sez, I want one just like that, only different.

I don't do custom work. Well maybe, if your name is Bill Gates

Happy Hammering, wear safety glasses.

Gene Chapman
Oak and Iron Publishing
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Old 05-07-2003, 08:58 AM
cactusforge cactusforge is offline
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Thanks Jim, I have asked this question on 2 or 3 different forms and you are the only one that has come up with a reasonable answer, I will get a supply of handles and start trying this fix.
Thanks. Gib

Old 05-07-2003, 10:04 AM
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I always drop my hammer when I hear the words... "Hey Dad".
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Old 05-07-2003, 10:43 AM
jph jph is offline
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Stuff and more stuff


I almost forgot, do you know what I mean about double wedging?? That is a wood wedge into the split in the hammer handle, do it up tight into the split and saw/sand that flush, and then a steel wedge at 180 degrees (make a X) into the wood wedge. Then you soak it in oil. I just tie a string to the things and dunk them in my tempering oil for a week ot two. Up here in NEvada that'll last of 4 years or so before another dunk..PLUS it makes for a really nice grip "finish" as well....


I get the same thing, ALOT....must be a epedemic of those types walking about and of course, what the want isn't ANYTHING like what they saw.. some folks...sheesh. I am pretty much outta the real "custom stuff" nowadays as I am to GD busy with my normal stuff to even think about it. Although I will from time to time feel a little masochistic and do one.


Hey guy, I got my Trio of Terror pretty much trained that it I am working hot or on a grinder they stay outta the studio. Other than that I am "fair game"...Still it looks like my eldest (by one minute) daughter just might have an inclination to follow Papa into the business....

Well I gotta get back and finish up these rapiers, (maybe if the good Mr. J is so inclined I might even post a pic of one of them! )and all for this weekend and get a jump on some bastardswords and a couple of cut and thrusts for the weekend after..

JPH (no rest for the wicked...)

Dr Jim Hrisoulas,
Author, Researcher, Swordsmith
Living in the Nevada desert.
N-T Hirsute Hine'y Hrisoulas
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Old 05-07-2003, 01:44 PM
cactusforge cactusforge is offline
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Jim. Yes I always double wedge my handles, I quench most of the time in a mix of ATF and hydraulic oil will that work.


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