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Old 05-06-2021, 12:36 AM
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TexasJack TexasJack is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: Southeast Texas
Posts: 2,920
A lot of prices are up because of the delayed effects of the pandemic. That's what has allegedly affected the lumber prices. Some things are just in short supply because of business picking up - ammo for example. But the current administration's efforts to spend at a rate that would embarrass a drunken sailor is going to cause inflation that we haven't seen since the Carter years. (I should add that several previous administrations kept a few wars going with deficit spending, so the blame in Washington is on both sides of the aisle. The Swamp is both wide and deep.) A number of things are going to affect energy prices as well - ####### are back on the roads, coal is being phased out, American drilling is being discouraged, and re-joining the Paris Greenhouse Gas agreement will have a steep impact. Higher energy prices mean higher prices for both goods and transportation. Bottom line is that you should expect prices of almost everything to increase. If you can afford to stock up, this would be the time to do so.

God bless Texas! Now let's secede!!
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