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Old 10-05-2006, 11:31 PM
David W David W is offline
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 6
Wow, I found a roost! Somewhere that people speak the truth!
I understand Dennis's point of view. He basically, just my opinion, is trying to deflect "the heat & placate the would be knife enemies". Which to a degree, I can understand, especially if your livlihood is on the line. As has been stated in previous posts, with all due respect, I personally disagree with that stance.
For a long time, going back twenty years, I used to rail on about conspiracy's, the left vs. right, what a jack booted thug Janet Reno was......etc. etc.
The truth is, there is no real right or left, the UN & the US Government in the end is only as powerful or weak as we allow it or make it to be. Currently, I keep my mouth shut, my powder dry and my blades sharp. Does that mean Im looking for a fight? Heck NO!@ But, the bottom line is both guns and blades are both tools and weps, period.
Stand up and be counted, or be counted as they herd you into box cars.........
We should chuck Kofi's UN right into the River the building stands next too, and turn it into a hospital for our service men and women.
I am not giving up my guns (what ever category they fall under) OR my knives, ever, even if it makes me a criminal. Im not now, nor have I ever been a criminal, as a matter of fact, I worked in the executive protection field worldwide and have seen first hand what weapons bans do to people....... Can you say DARFUR? Best, DAVID W (a law abiding AMERICAN)