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Old 03-05-2006, 02:14 PM
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Les Robertson Les Robertson is offline
Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: Georgia
Posts: 4
Hi Phil,

#### man I thought you died or something, 4 months between posts.

Ok, a bowie you made a year ago sold for $450 and was recently sold for $850. An excellent ROI for somene. I hate to call BS, but I would need to see a receipt. Phil, I can't say I can recall seeing any of your knives for sale. With such a distinct look I would remember them if I saw them. Quite frankly if a $450 bowie could be sold "easily" for $850 a year later, every dealer in the world would be carrying your knives and collectors would flock to own your knives. You might want to re-think that position.

Seriously though, this all started because someone though you were a world class maker. WHen pressed for reasons why neither you nor he could come up with satisfactory answers.

Best of luck with your knives Phil.

Les Robertson
Custom Knife Entrepreneur
Field Editor for Blade Magazine
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