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Old 07-17-2005, 01:00 PM
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KNAdmin KNAdmin is offline
Join Date: Jun 2002
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As Don said, "it's little consolation", but I'm glad that Gib didn't have to suffer too much in the end.

I've spent countless hours talking with Gib on the phone over the last 5 years and have come to know him quite well. Gib was a gentleman, an artist and very humble. We're going to miss Gib a lot around here. Hopefully his inspiration will live on and we'll all become better through it.

Guys, I know this isn't a good time to say this, but life offers little guarantees for those of us who remain. One of the least of which is the "time" we spend doing what we love most. I'm so pleased with the aggressiveness that Gib and Chuck went after their partnership efforts together with. They've turned out some spectacular artwork together over the short time of their partnership and there's no telling where that could have lead them over time.

Chuck, we're all here for you! If there's anything you need personally, please keep me at the top of the list.

Gib, "Old Buddy"... "Forge on!"


Alex Whetsell

Atlanta NOC
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