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Old 02-24-2021, 06:01 PM
ReidJustin ReidJustin is offline
Join Date: Feb 2021
Posts: 2
Tigerwood is a durable and dramatic exotic wood species known for its dark vein stripes and beautiful deep reddish-orange background.

It’s known by a variety of names including Brazilian koa, Congo wood, African walnut, courbaril, bototo, zorrowood, and muiracatiara. When someone uses the term “tigerwood’’ they may be referring to Coula edulis, a tree species from tropical western Africa, Lovoa trichilioides (also African in origin), or Goncalo alves from South America (primarily Brazil). These are all evergreen varieties that prefer tropical or subtropical growing conditions. Although the color may vary from region to region, these tigerwood trees all feature the same dramatic grain pattern.

Tigerwood Grain

Because tigerwood trees can reach heights of more than 80 feet, they’re often found in the top forest canopy. However, they can also be found on lower canopies as well. They have no special soil requirements and their growing popularity has led some countries to restrict exports in order to limit over-cutting.

Tigerwood is very dense and heavy and can have a Janka rating (which measures the hardness and durability of wood) of up to 2160 depending on the growing region. This is 67% harder than red oak which only has a Janka rating of 1210. Because tigerwood is naturally resistant to rot and decay and doesn’t attract mold or fungus growth, it’s popular not only for exterior use but also for furniture, veneers, flooring, and other wood projects as well. It’s dramatic look lends a certain flair to finished products.

Tigerwood responds well to air-drying even though warping and checking can occur under extreme conditions. After it has dried, it’s resistant to both shrinkage and movement. Projects made from tigerwood are dimensionally stable and hold up well.

Tigerwood is known for its beautiful colors — ranging from light orange all the way down to a deep reddish-brown — and striping, which varies from fine lines to bold strokes. It’s highly lustrous surface makes it look almost oily.

Because tigerwood is highly durable and resists denting, it’s often used for flooring. Its dramatic coloring means it’s often graded differently from other hardwood species when used for flooring applications. Tigerwood that has small defects and less striking variations in color is graded as “common.” Tigerwood graded as “clear” has deep black or brown stripes and a deep orange base color with a hint of pink in it.