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Old 09-08-2010, 08:22 PM
Mathewszmax Mathewszmax is offline
Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 3
Lets just say I payed to much for it, I sent the guy a email I have done buisness with him before and all was well, half the problem was he was supposed to make me a sheath to go with it then got sick he is a older feller and I felt the burden of owing me wasnt worth it on my mind so I told he didnt have to make me the sheath and I took my knife and called it day, keep in mind I had payed him in full already, then a few months goes by he selling off all his stuff so I talk to him about these knives again. So I do a little research and get yalls help to find out about them and then find out I got duped. He lead me to believe they were quality work, custom made and he got them in a trade and couldnt remember who had made them, I double checked my email and realized the description he sent me of them is coppied right off the website, I know long story anyways I feel as if I lost a little money but mostly someone I called a friend he was always was a great guy real friendly and he got over on me cause I trusted him.
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