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Old 01-21-2017, 09:43 AM
dtec1 dtec1 is offline
Join Date: Aug 2015
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I must have missed that stock removal is cheating coment....bottom line especially in the beginning you going to grind away half or more of your forging work anyway... also I kinda get the "traditional" aspect of it but if you really think about it why did people forge knives (and other stuff) hundreds and thousands of years main reason was so they could combine steel to make it better....a hard center and a soft jacket was done cause they didn't have enough hardenable steel so they used soft stuff on the outside to make is soft and tough while the inside was hard and if your trying to keep things traditional wich sounds like what your talking about are you going to do that? are you going to combine different steels to make the knife you want? its a lot of work. Or are you going to forge one kind of steel to shape....some would say that's cheating if your going to do it the traditional way then DO it the traditional way. also the modern steel we have today is strong enough on its own....and a lot of the high end steels are recommended for stock removal not forging forging can weaken if you can make a knife using stock removal that is stronger than a combination of steels that are forged would you? I would? I bet you knife and sword makers from 1000 years ago would use it that way if they had it to
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