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Old 09-11-2017, 12:36 PM
dtec1 dtec1 is offline
Join Date: Aug 2015
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Not really familiar with either I started with a very cheap 4x36 (the one with the disk on the side) I very quickly realized it wasn't the best and jumped right to my KMG 2x72.....However I am sure that you realise that like you said its no 2x42 or 2x72....if I was using a under powered grinder like that I would get the best belts I could to try and make up for what is lacking a lil bit...I know has the belts in 1x 42 size I would bet also yea those cheap belts can be usefull in some situations but if your talking about doing the bevels or heavy profiling go get the best ceramic belts you can afford...again never used a 1 x anyting just my opinion
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