View Full Version : Georgia Knifemaker's Guild

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  1. Georgia Knifemaker's Guild Forum
  2. 1st demo of the GKG
  3. Roll Call!
  4. Gaining momentum!
  5. well, now that ya'll have a good start, let's see some knives.
  6. Happy Birthday
  7. Calling a blade/blacksmiths!!
  8. TrackRock
  9. Looking for info
  10. Pop's Demo Day
  11. Atlanta Area Knife Show
  12. Logo
  13. Feb 07 meeting
  14. i would like to see some pictures from ga knifemakers
  15. Feb 07 meeting
  16. Feb 7 meeting information
  17. The Birth of a Knifemaker
  18. Sorry I could not attend----
  19. Feb 7 Meeting Recap
  20. Hello
  21. Spring Trackrock Hammer-in
  22. Children & Grandchildre in knifemaking
  23. Learn To Scrimshaw
  24. lets see some knives
  25. TrackRock Scenes
  26. Another Hello!
  27. May 15 meeting
  28. Moved: First Official Meeting
  29. Moved: Signer's Cramp (or Purchasing our First Home!)
  30. Moved: What a great weekend!!!
  31. Moved: demos??
  32. Moved: 52100 heat treatment
  33. August 26 Meeting Information
  34. Sad News
  35. more sad news
  36. demo???
  37. August 28th meeting is taking shape!
  38. Items to bring for the Aug 28 meeting
  39. Got any ideas on price?
  40. Help with a name
  41. Meeting Surprise
  42. A Great Meeting!!
  43. Dean Wins at SECKS in Winston-Salem
  44. Trackrock Hammer-in
  45. ga website
  46. Was Trackrock Good or What!
  47. jamey
  48. December 04 meeting
  49. It is upon us
  50. New Georgia Custom Knifemakers' Guild site now active.
  51. new need some help
  52. Classes?? Help in your shop
  53. Steel and Fire
  54. Trial Run to Twin Blades
  55. Jamey can you fix the link to Trugrit on the Suppliers List
  56. Just around the corner
  57. excitment is building
  58. yesterdays meeting
  59. Sights and "sounds"
  60. How to Build a Knife, by Jim Small (Downloadable)
  61. May Meeting Details
  62. Trackrock May 21st
  63. Newsletter
  64. Trackrock Scenes
  65. Voting
  66. anyone got any pics from the blade show?
  67. Fall Trackrock Hammer-in Date
  68. John and Joan need your prayers
  69. Thank You
  70. Business Cards
  71. August Guild Meeting
  72. cobb show
  73. Thanks Guys
  74. Questions on Trackrock
  75. Congratulations to Ken & Ruth
  76. TrackRock
  77. November 2005 Newsletter now available
  78. November Georgia Guild meeting
  79. New to the forum and to knifemaking!
  80. Nov Meeting a great time
  81. GCKG Website Upgrade
  82. Next meeting date
  83. Trackrock
  84. February Guild Meeting
  85. Newsletter
  86. this saturday
  87. guild meeting
  88. Meeting "sights and sounds"
  89. Saturday's meeting
  90. Garrett White showcased
  91. Trackrock Pics 3
  92. Trackrock Pics 2
  93. Trackrock Pics
  94. raffle knife for our may guild meeting
  95. Georgia Guild spring meeting
  96. Pictures From the Spring meeting
  97. Blade Show 2006
  98. updated bladeshow 2006 pics
  99. TR Hammer in ?
  100. September meeting
  101. Newsletter
  102. The Great Southern Knife Show
  103. Trackrock Hammer In pictures
  104. Kodai Smelt
  105. Knife Repair Assistance
  106. Next meeting?
  107. Merry Christmas
  108. Georgia Guild February meeting
  109. Picture of John Poythress Scholarship knife
  110. Meeting Weekend
  111. meeting
  112. February Meeting
  113. George Herron
  114. Trackrock Spring Hammer-in
  115. Trackrock cabin - extra bedroom available
  116. Knife repair needed...
  117. Trackrock
  118. Spring Guild meeting
  119. Hello!
  120. March 2007 Newsletter available for download
  121. Spring Georgia Guild meeting
  122. Jamey & Fiddleback email sent re guild meeting
  123. Notes on the April 28th meeting
  124. pictures
  125. Knives by Rick Lowe
  126. where is ellis
  127. A weekend to Remember!!!
  128. Joan Poythress---angel?
  129. sheathmaking
  130. Getting Started Advice Needed
  131. Member News
  132. Blade Show
  133. 2007 Blade Show
  134. August meeting of the Georgia Guild
  135. July Newsletter available for download
  136. Trackrock Hammer-in, September 2007
  137. Not sure if this is the right spot for this
  138. A few Trackrock Pics
  139. Great Southern Knife Show
  140. My first knife :) /tear
  141. Great South SHOW TIME In Atlanta Ga!
  142. Avery's First Deer
  143. New to the forums...
  144. Feb Georgia Guild meeting Save the date
  145. Let's get started!!!
  146. Merry Christmas
  147. join in
  148. Just call me Pop!
  149. Membership ?
  150. Hello everyone.
  151. Feb meeting of the Georgia Guild
  152. Newbie
  153. Can't make it to the meeting this weekend.
  154. 12:30--- walked thru the door
  155. Georgia Guild Meeting
  156. Trackrock Hammer-in Spring 2008
  157. latest work
  158. couple of new pieces.
  159. Big Bonus for Trackrock!
  160. Sights and "Sounds"
  161. The problem with hanging out with Carl....
  162. OK OK OK, my "secret" for plunge cuts!
  163. Information on Ron Little
  164. Finished Shovel Handle
  165. blade show
  166. Fighter Style Bowie
  167. Guillotine Fuller question
  168. Three pieces from TrackRock
  169. Look for this Georgia maker at the Blade
  170. Summer Guild Meeting
  171. Treasures From The Blade
  172. GCKG Website - Back Up and Running
  173. Trackrock Hammer-in, Fall 2008
  174. Hi Ya'll
  175. Working on something new
  176. Knifemakers Guild Show
  177. Trackrock Anvils
  178. Pictures of Trackrock Fall 2008
  179. Next Ga . Knifemakers Guild Meeting
  180. Congratulations to Stephan
  181. GCKG Nov 08 meeting a few pics
  182. Scrimshaw
  183. More Scrimshaw
  184. January 2009 Blade Mag.
  185. Winter meeting of the Georgia Guild
  186. Finally!...another bit of Scrimshaw
  187. power hammer
  188. Hi
  189. a LONG time in the works
  190. blade grinding
  191. Knifemaker ID needed (Pat Fowler ring a bell for anyone?)
  192. Update on Winter meeting
  193. New member here
  194. Trackrock Hammer-in Spring 2009
  195. done lurking now
  196. Becoming a member
  197. John Poythress Scholarship Fund Knife
  198. Auto Tags
  199. Great Meeting
  200. tire hammer
  201. Trackrock Spring 2009 pictures
  202. H---e---l---p
  203. Spring Guild Meeting
  204. Remember Carl & Family
  205. Spring Meeting
  206. Spring meeting pictures
  207. Pictures
  208. Blade Show
  209. hello just wondering
  210. Gon Blast
  211. Ken and Ruth Simmons?
  212. Aug 29th Meeting
  213. Summer Meeting
  214. Headsup! - Trackrock Hammer-in, Fall 2009
  215. Meeting at John's shop
  216. Georgia sword sharpening
  217. W2 Chute Knife
  218. JS Test - Pictures
  219. Trackrock Pictures
  220. Email Test
  221. Some of my Latest work
  222. November Guild Meeting
  223. Lithonia meeting
  224. Edge Thickness
  225. Happy Thanksgiving everyone
  226. Merry Christmas
  227. South Georgia Knife Makers
  228. Future Blacksmith Hottie
  229. Winter Georgia Guild meeting
  230. Happy New Year!!
  231. new pot member
  232. Just joined looking for some help w/ my knife
  233. Marvin Poole
  234. Trackrock Spring Hammer-in
  235. Newbie here
  236. Blacksmith Friend shop liquidation
  237. John Poythress Scholarship Knife is Done!
  238. CRex&RLo Bowie
  239. Yesterday
  240. Thank You All
  241. Spring Mtg Pictures
  242. Scholarship Knife
  243. Aw Crap, Another One!
  244. Trackrock pictures Spring of 2010
  245. GCKG Spring Meeting May 1st in Columbus
  246. Columbus meeting lunch head count
  247. Gon Blast in Macon
  248. Dad's Birthday
  249. Table 24-E, Our Table at Blade 2010
  250. Happy Birthday Sandy "finally turned 21"