View Full Version : Historical Inspiration

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  1. New Forum Welcome
  2. 17th century Scottish dirk
  3. Book Shelf
  4. Sources: Bowies 1700-1800?
  5. Traditional Japanese Chef's Knife
  6. One of my favorite historically inspired pieces....
  7. Doctor Livingstone I presume?
  8. Blade Notch
  9. Stone grinding wheel
  10. The pattern welded blade
  11. Irish Knives
  12. Inspired by History
  13. Anglo-Saxon Smelt & Forging
  14. Museum Ignorance?
  15. Civil War Period Bowie Project
  16. Historical Folders?
  17. found this on tribal smiths
  18. Aztec blades
  19. Spears
  20. Knife Expo 03
  21. historically inspired sword to show you
  22. Medieval Pattern Welding?
  23. Sas Camando Knife
  24. Midevil workshop
  25. Hill Pearce 'Mediterranean' knives..
  26. Arsenic-Copper Swords Found in Turkey
  27. Dark Ages Short Sword
  28. Scottish Sgain Dbuh
  29. Scottish Dirk Book-On Line
  30. Working knives from the Middle Ages
  31. Period knifes
  32. Viking Woman's Knife
  33. Frontier Bowie & Sheaths
  34. National Martime Museum London
  35. Runes
  36. Sgian-Dirk Handle Weaves
  37. Medieval finishes
  38. Viking Chest
  39. seax
  40. Why antic knives have a ring on the end of the handle?
  41. Cloth Sheaths?
  42. Viking axe for IITH
  43. Viking eating knife.
  44. Celtic LaTene
  45. 250 Year Old Moroccan Shepard's Knife
  46. seax in-works
  47. eardagger
  48. 18th Century materials
  49. What can you tell me about Flemish Daggers?
  50. babylonian
  51. Ancient tempering techniques
  52. Scramasax collection
  53. Help Identifying Blade
  54. Basalard anyone?
  55. Casting
  56. Making Damascus in 1771
  57. MIgration / Viking Single edged sword
  58. 16th Century Left Hand Dagger (sorta)
  59. functional guards
  60. Seax on the web
  61. Nash Metro leaf springs???
  62. sheffield memories
  63. 'Late medieval iron making, the bloomery process'
  64. Misplaced thread?
  65. damascus in pre 1800 north america?
  66. I thought you guys would like this one
  67. Cross Post, Neo-medieval Seax by Jim Hrisoulas
  68. Shark tooth Seax
  69. A couple of questions
  70. Sgian dhu
  71. knives...as dug condition
  72. ore of smelting
  73. Saxon sword
  74. Ancient bainite blades
  75. I thought you might like this...
  76. Migration era shortswords
  77. Making Tamahagane
  78. Bog Oak
  79. Cross Post: 15th Century Ballocck Dirk
  80. Web surfing find
  81. ballock idea pic
  82. Rondel Dagger Recreation, Work in Progress
  83. Laguiole knife?
  84. Historical Knives (forged)
  85. free encyclopedia
  86. Need Info on the Gladius Hispania
  87. old timey
  88. Anyone Have Info On Michael Price?
  89. new seax
  90. a seax design question
  91. Lowland Ring Hilt Dagger?
  92. antique Kard
  93. Gotlandic Seax
  94. another Caucasian
  95. Another website find!
  96. Seax
  97. salmon of wisdom dirk and sgian
  98. looking for seax/norse blade references
  99. Viking woman's knife (Gotland).
  100. French Fur Trade knives
  101. 19th century fighter
  102. Scagel fighter clone
  103. New forum welcome
  104. dirks
  105. M. Price San Francisco Bowie
  106. Geisha hide-out
  107. One Million Dollars Worth of Antique Bowies
  108. old Seax is good seax
  109. lookie what I bought :)
  110. a bit of pattern welding
  111. 1840s French Dagger
  112. Old Patch Knife
  113. new dirk
  114. Seax Therapy
  115. Caucasian persuasion
  116. Damaskus Kriss
  117. Ever been attacked?
  118. Viking sword
  119. American Steel Bowie
  120. Blacksmith basket?
  121. Michael Price Set
  122. vimose seax
  123. Need help with niello
  124. niello part 2
  125. Ballock Knife Question
  126. Harrison Bros & Howson knife?
  127. Archaeological sword measurements
  128. museum trips
  129. What in Laymans Terms Defines a SEAX?
  130. Sgian Dubh
  131. Traditional San Mia with a Twist
  132. Smelting extravaganza!
  133. Harrison Bros and Howson
  134. Rio Grande Bowie
  135. unfullered migration erea sword dimensions
  136. Not knife, Armor Question
  137. ormbladnir seax
  138. Saxon style question
  139. PC Metal Finishes - browning vs blueing
  140. Scagel Carving Set
  141. Dagger
  142. interesting artifact
  143. Furry scabbards historical?
  144. Thor's hammer
  145. Back to the Seax
  146. Newb with a Tutonic Knights Dagger
  147. Katana Videos
  148. ancient chinese style shortsword
  149. One more Seax (Anglo-Saxon).
  150. Ya gotta eat!
  151. Scagel knife pics
  152. Lady's Knife
  153. Could It Be ?????
  154. Rondel Dagger
  155. Two new Migration Era patterns...
  156. La Tene Style Irish Ring hilt
  157. New blades - Old Gaucho Style
  158. Friction folders and clasp knives
  159. Dirk by Alex Salsi
  160. Old English arrowhead
  161. Warning ~ Bowie Content
  162. American Knife Heritage (repost)
  163. French Pattern
  164. Very old folder
  165. visual information please
  166. Scagel on ebay
  167. 13th century folding knife project
  168. Working on a smelter
  169. Arrow heads
  170. Ashokan: From Ore to Sword in Hand
  171. Warning: contains graphic videos of seax!
  172. Another Round of Rondels, Daggers that is...
  173. Japanese Arrowhead
  174. Artifacts from Lewis & Clark expedition
  175. Furnace Firing; Ore Roasting
  176. anyone see one of these
  177. A cool one
  178. Siebe Gorman short sword
  179. Work in Progress, Viking Age Folder
  180. Hartford Antique Arms Show
  181. Semi-Persian knife
  182. knives of the fur trade, historical accuracy
  183. Old Grinders
  184. Bellows experiment & sexy ore
  185. Gladius in the works...
  186. Bronze Roman Handle
  187. Now *that's* a bellows...
  188. saxon gold sword pommel
  189. 'Twas the Night Before Yule-tide
  190. Not exactly knives but historicly inspired :)
  191. Romans invented the "Swiss Army" knife.
  192. Knapped knife handle question.
  193. Indian Tulwar grip and blade fragment
  194. small medieval reproduction knives
  195. In Progress Sword
  196. Some help please
  197. An antique 18th century French knife
  198. Fullered seax
  199. 1st of 2006 Japanese
  200. Steel for Seax-inspired knife
  201. Reference Books
  202. Another in-progress sword
  203. help with a winged spear!!
  204. Canterbury Viking Folding Knife
  205. Huscarl seax question
  206. french historic trade knives link
  207. Here's a cool link
  208. Now,... look at this!
  209. Mary Rose artifacts
  210. Some knives from Bess's collection
  211. Vindsvall the cold wind
  212. Bog People in LA
  213. finished one of the medieval knives
  214. Bearded axe
  215. Seax theory: Gebereht
  216. Seax tang
  217. Seax sheath: Practical for a weapon?
  218. Seax: multi purpose edge
  219. Introductions & Ideals.
  220. Seax: origins
  221. Swedish Vikings
  222. Anglo Seax
  223. On the subject of the obtuse.
  224. Hudson Bay trade knives
  225. Bloom Forging
  226. 2. historical inspiration
  227. German hunting sword in progress
  228. rondel dagger
  229. Hi!
  230. works in progress
  231. Saex handle attachment
  232. Basic viking info
  233. 2nd attempt at a winged spear
  234. Sweden suggestions
  235. Sword of Arminius...
  236. Dug hammers
  237. Ancient blade rehandling ...?
  238. King Tut's dagger!
  239. latest seax...BIG pics
  240. Ancient gold / platinum dagger found
  241. French trade knives
  242. Cingueda ~ Itallian 16th Century Nobility Blade
  243. bearded axe...
  244. Historic fit and finish
  245. Niello inlaid panels for Gladius sheath
  246. 10th Century sword
  247. New smelting and casting forum on TKN
  248. New Seax Blade
  249. Reference material
  250. Tanto