View Full Version : The North Carolina Custom Knifemakers Guild Forum

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  1. Let's start this show.
  3. Knifemaking classes scholarship from the NCCKG
  4. Cool!
  5. Web Site
  6. Good Job Guys
  7. Thanks
  8. Demos for next meeting???
  9. HOWDY.......!
  10. hello
  11. knife shop layout
  12. Southeastern Custom Knife Show
  13. What are y'all into these days?
  14. Need a hand over here, Andrew?
  15. Scholarships for knifemaking classes
  16. Tim Britton???
  17. Combat Knife--(PIC)
  18. July 2002 Demonstration Schedule
  19. Billets & Blades
  20. Scholarships Awarded
  21. Summer meeting question
  22. Joining?
  23. good time at the Gervais.s
  24. Phillip
  25. New website
  26. Grinding my way to the show.
  27. Happy Birthday to one of our members
  28. SouthEastern Custom Knife Show
  29. Demos for November meeting???
  30. Southeast Custom Knife Show
  31. Hammer-in
  32. Koji Hara's knifemaking class...How did it go?
  33. Demo Schedule for November Meeting
  34. Newsletter
  35. testing an image post
  36. Pop's Hammer-In
  37. Just thought I would say HI !!
  38. NCCKG meeting
  39. Happy Thanksgiving
  40. Knife Question?
  41. Demonsrations Needed
  42. January 2003 Demonstration Schedule
  43. Happy holiday's guys
  44. Holidays
  45. newsletter
  46. Boycott of 1 day meetings
  47. Getting geared up
  48. C&E show at Concord
  49. Road conditions for this Saturday???
  50. What a great meeting.
  51. Trackrock Spring Hammer-in
  52. No Need To Boycott
  53. General questions
  54. Informations from Guild Members Needed
  55. Demonstrators Needed
  56. April 2003 Demonstration Schedule
  57. A "professional" at work
  58. Family Addition
  59. Newsletter is ready
  60. Gator, we will miss you
  61. Knife Making Classes in NC
  62. Strange and Different Places
  63. Spring NCCKG meeting is this weekend
  64. Great Meeting
  65. Equipment for sale
  66. Aspiring New Maker
  67. KNIFE WORLD Article
  68. Gator's Equipment.
  69. The Blade Show
  70. July 2003 Demonstration Schedule
  71. The NCCKG Racks Up Again!!!
  72. Billets & Blades
  73. Doc Baker
  74. 420 stainless
  75. Problems with July Meeting
  76. Picture of Raffle Knives
  77. Sixth Annual Bowie Knife & Scagel Symposium
  78. Hey Andrew...
  79. Durham/Burlington
  80. Attention all NCCKG Members!
  81. Thanks
  82. Engraving Class
  83. Mike Wise's Son In Hospital
  84. Hammer-In in NC?
  85. 9th Annual Terry Ellerbee Baldesmithing Hammer In
  86. Just one week to go
  87. The 9th SECKS is gone but not forgotten
  88. Tomahawk class
  89. Campgrounds Near Troy NC (school)
  90. The complete list of the SECKS winners
  91. November Meeting Schedule
  92. 2003-2004 Meeting Locations
  93. South African Handle Supplies Comany (Nico Bernard)
  94. Pass it forward
  95. Calling a blade/blacksmiths!!
  96. NCCKG represented at TrackRock
  97. Castle Hayne Here We Come
  98. Castel Hayne was very, very, good
  99. Designs Are Coming In
  100. Tony Kelly
  101. BladesInternational.com Article
  102. Tony is home and better
  103. Back Online!
  104. January Meeting Schedule
  105. NCCKG Classes
  106. It's that time again
  107. The Littlest Maker
  108. Status on Auction Bowie???
  109. hammerin in nc
  110. April 2004 Meeting Schedule
  111. Raffle/Auction Bowie update
  112. Spring Trackrock Hammer-in
  113. Cutting Competition
  114. How is the auction bowie looking???
  115. ??? about April meeting...
  116. What a GREAT time!!!
  117. Knifemaking Classes in North Carolina ***2016 Classes now listed***
  118. June Hammer-in somewhere in Va
  119. Raffle Bowie
  120. Meeting...What to bring???
  121. Raffle Tickets In The mail
  122. For the banquet auction...
  123. The SouthEastern Custom Knife Show
  124. The Newsletter is ready
  125. jones brothers
  126. Oct 23 meeting
  127. Fall Meeting
  128. membership info?
  129. Newsletter is ready
  130. It's Time!!
  131. Changes, Changes, and Exciting Times
  132. Member Knife Pictures
  133. Cancellation Of 2005 Show
  134. Cutting Competition
  135. Cutting Comp. Pictures
  136. Heat Treating Oven
  137. Shameless Pandering
  138. Blades By Brown MYM Show
  139. Anyone need anything in the newsletter??
  140. Condolences to the Horrigan Family
  141. President's Letter
  142. John and Joan need your prayers
  143. John Poythress' Passing
  144. Thank You
  145. New Prospect Thanks You All!
  146. Wannabe Knifemaker
  147. Guild Web Site Update!
  148. Guild Web Site Link
  149. Carolina Custom
  150. Membership Dues
  151. Knife shows
  152. NCCKG 2006 classes?
  153. January Meeting
  154. President's Letter April 2006
  155. April 2006 Meeting
  156. Just to make sure...
  157. Dixie Classic Bladesmithing Symposium and Knife Show
  158. Knife shows
  159. Guild Meeting
  160. (nearly) New member
  161. Guild Meeting Directions
  162. Meeting details
  163. A thank-you
  164. Dixie Classic
  165. New to this Forum
  166. Where in NC are you ?
  167. A couple of my knives
  168. grinding dust
  169. Guild Meeting Directions
  170. Photographer Wanted
  171. Anyone from the EAST going to the meeting this weekend??
  172. Shop time
  173. Price of a Custom Knife
  174. GET UP and GO VOTE
  175. January Newsletter
  176. January Meeting
  177. Knife Show
  178. Jan 27 meeting
  179. If you were not here you missed a good time
  180. George Herron
  181. March 2007 Newsletter
  182. April Meeting
  183. A Beauty
  184. Thank you
  185. Murray Sterling
  186. Newsletter
  187. Grinding Knife blades class at MCC
  188. Guild Meeting
  189. Another One In The History Books
  190. July Meeting
  191. Website
  192. Off Topic - Want a good Dog?
  193. September Newsletter Now Online
  194. An Invitation at the OCT meeting.
  195. oct meeting
  196. So this is where you guys are at? ATTN Joan.
  197. ABS Hammer In - NC
  198. Info on our knifemaking classes for 2008
  199. January meeting date?
  200. Need Guidance
  201. Pictures from January Meeting
  202. finished one up.
  203. two bear stickers
  204. who's going?
  205. newsletter
  206. Class openings ???
  207. Trav
  208. Mrs Joan
  209. July Meeting
  210. update
  211. First little hawk
  212. ABS intro course in Clyde, NC
  213. Tomahawk class
  214. New knife
  215. Curious
  216. Handle material
  217. Damascus Steel class
  218. Meeting tomorrow
  219. Newby Question
  220. North Carolina Knife Maker James M Wade
  221. January Meeting
  222. Custom Stamps
  223. Ringed Gidgee
  224. Guild Book
  225. Jan. meeting
  226. Thanksgiving
  227. January meeting
  228. merry Christmas
  229. Guild Book Order info
  230. Does anyone know 2009 class Schedule??
  231. ABS Into Course
  232. tire hammer
  233. Newsletter
  234. D3 steel
  235. Handle material
  236. next meeting
  237. Wayne
  238. New Knifemaker Question
  239. looking for help
  240. Idea for the next meeting
  241. April meeting
  242. New member
  243. Next meeting
  244. What happened ??
  245. Origional Bowie pictures
  246. July 18 Meeting
  247. Great meeting
  248. Oct Meeting
  249. 12" disc sander
  250. beginner knife making class at Montgomery CC