View Full Version : Texas Knifemakers and Collectors Association

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  1. OK, I'll break the ice
  2. TKCA Meeting anyone?
  3. New Year
  4. Hey Guys How is everyone?
  5. OK, I'll break the ice
  6. Hammer In
  7. Where do members come from?
  8. Lone Star Knives
  9. No Responce
  10. Texas Shows
  11. Vote on New officers
  12. E-mail addresses
  13. Newsletter/Ballots
  14. TKCA web site
  15. THANKS
  16. House fire
  17. Board of Directors
  18. The passing of Clyde Fischer
  19. Cleylon Camper passed away.
  20. Austin Show
  21. Bouncing E-mails
  22. Fall Hammer-In & Knifemakers Rendezvous
  23. Knifemakers Belt Grinder for sale
  24. United We Stand
  25. TKCA Scholarship
  26. TKCA Web Site
  27. Bill Bagwell ?
  28. re: Help Wanted
  29. Hammer-In - Southeast Texas
  30. Sad News.......
  31. Help ... :)
  32. TKCA info
  33. new member looking for info
  34. local suppliers in DFW?
  35. Fall Hammer-In & Knifemakers Rendezvous
  37. Job Opening
  38. Congratulations to members!
  39. Request from TKCA Member
  40. Question from Roger McBee
  41. Fall Hammer-In & Knifemakers Rendezvous
  42. Fall Hammer-In & Knifemakers Rendezvous
  43. Looking for a Texas Knifemaker
  44. Austin Central Texas Knife Show
  45. Please Vote!
  46. Shop tours
  47. Where are we going?
  48. Did you get your July newsletter?
  49. Thanks to Phil Tham (txwoodchip)!
  50. Sos
  51. Contests at SOS
  52. SOS-aftermath...
  53. Attn: TKCA Members
  54. TKCA Web Site
  55. Curtis Wilson!
  56. Update- Winter Hammer-In Dates
  57. A BIG Thank you!
  58. TKCA Store
  59. New Email Address for TKCA Newsletter
  60. Sam Houston's Bowie up for auction
  61. Tkca Board Member Nominations And Hall Of Fame Nomination
  62. Who can cut a name out of a blade?
  63. Who`s going to the LVCKS in Jan.
  64. Cryo available
  65. Happy Holidays
  66. Winter Hammer-In & Knifemakers Rendezvous
  67. Attention Smiths Near Lubbock, TX
  68. Weldon Whitley????
  69. New Directors elected to the Board
  70. E-mail
  71. For Sale - Squarewheel Grinder
  72. Lathes for sale
  73. Banners
  74. TKCA Board Meeting
  75. Sharp Edges !!
  76. Blade Show
  77. Association Meeting
  78. in the area
  79. Moving to mesquite
  80. North Texas Knifemakers Get-Together
  81. Stolen Knives
  82. Central Texas Knife Show
  83. SOS Show - General Meeting
  84. Knifemaking equipment for sale
  85. Rare Bowie
  86. New URL and Email Address
  87. Hammer-In...?
  88. BAKCA Show
  89. Don Robinson's New Book
  90. Bay Area Knife Collectors Association Show
  91. Guadalupe Forge Fall Hammer-In & Knifemakers Rendezvous
  92. SOS show schedule?
  93. Treadle Hammer and Grinders For Sale
  94. Graham TX knife show
  95. Scholarship Award
  96. Calling a blade/blacksmiths!!
  97. Winter Hammer-In & Knifemakers Rendezvous
  98. Cold front
  99. I was wondering
  100. SHARP EDGES newsletter
  101. Merry Christmas
  102. Ft.Worth Show in March
  103. Sad News
  104. shop position available
  105. HI! Just Joined the TKCA
  106. Any News?
  107. Hi everyone, new guy in town.
  108. Newsletter
  109. Updates
  110. Guadalupe Forge Fall Hammer-In & Knifemakers Rendezvous
  111. SOS Show!
  112. Central Texas Knife Show
  113. Regional Clubs!!
  114. Knife Show, Grapevine, Sept 18
  115. TKCA Membership Meeting
  116. Still There?
  117. Books & Magazines Wanted For TKCA
  118. TKCA - Officers & Board Members Addresses
  119. Levelland Hammer-in
  120. For Sale - John LeBlanc Pantograph
  121. New TKCA Web Site
  122. membership info??
  123. Dates For Winter Hammer-In
  124. Looking for any information...
  125. Membership Badges Available
  126. Ray Cook....
  127. TKCA Web Site - Member Logins
  128. Photos Needed
  129. Looking for Jason Jacks
  130. New need help plz
  131. Job openings
  132. Richard Epting info
  133. Is this a good deal?
  134. Need Names and Addresses
  135. Herbey need help
  136. need help with heat treating
  137. New to the Forum
  138. Merry Christmas
  139. 1095 steel
  140. knife patterns
  141. Knife Events in February?
  142. Glenn Marshall Ill
  143. Correct Address!!!!
  144. New TKCA mailing address
  145. Makers in austin area?
  146. Knifemaker Info Requested
  147. Austin Show!
  148. Levelland Hammer-in
  149. Identify a Texas knifemaker?
  150. Any updates
  151. Who's going to the Central Texas Knife Show in Austin this year?
  152. shane sloan
  153. Propane Forge and Table Saw for Sale
  154. New Newsletter Poted on TKCA Site
  155. Andy Mills Texas knifemaker?????
  156. Steel!!
  157. TKCA General Membership Meeting - Austin Show
  158. 4 down, 4 to go !
  159. Items for Sale
  160. How's the show???
  161. My day at the Austin show
  162. My report from the Austin show
  163. Some photos of the Austin show
  164. Hello Ya'all
  165. Business Cards
  166. Fall Hammer-In & Knifemakers Rendezvous
  167. First Knife Design - Paint Rock Hunter
  168. New Rio Grande chapter of TKCA????
  169. TKCA General Membership Meeting - Spirit of Steel Show
  170. Folder Class
  171. Stormcrow
  172. Thinking of a Custom Sheath - free maybe?
  173. Spirit of Steel
  174. Alamo Bowie
  175. 6x12 surface grinder for sale
  176. Pics from SOS????
  177. kifemaker weekend
  178. Anvil For Sale
  179. possible move
  180. Winter Hammer-In & Knifemakers Rendezvous
  181. 6 X 12 Surface Grinder For Sale
  182. Any of yall willing to have a new kid watch you forge?
  183. Anyone intersted in helping someone gettting started?
  184. Im here now and I need help!
  185. TKCA Membership Dues Past Due
  186. anyone ever worked with coral??
  187. new guy
  188. Johnny Stout in Blade mag
  189. folder maker
  190. Custom Folder Class
  191. 2006 - Fall Hammer-In & Knifemakers Rendezvous
  192. need info....L.C. Smith.....
  193. Landis #1 Leather Harness Sewing Machine
  194. Spirit of Steel show
  195. Fighter knife by Ricardo Romano / Brazil...
  196. TKCA Membership Meeting - Central Texas Knife Show
  197. Who's going to the Austin Show the weekend?
  198. TKCA...pics...stories?
  199. Custom Folder Class
  200. Spirit Of Steel, TKCA, Texas Legends
  201. Help Wanted - TKCA Table at Spirit of Steel Show
  202. You're invited!!!
  203. need help remebering texas knife companies name
  204. knifemaker weekend
  205. TKA custom knife show
  206. TKA Show pictures
  207. Don Robinson - New TKCA Newsletter Editor
  208. pictures from knifemaker weekends
  209. Guadalupe Forge hammer-in this weekend
  210. Greetings
  211. Pictures from Guadalupe Forge Hammerin
  212. My 2 blade trapper is done
  213. TKCA newsletter
  214. The man!!
  215. Here's another Trapper.
  216. 2nd. quarter newsletter
  217. Newsletters
  218. Web site copy of the newsletter
  219. Did anyone receive the newsletter?
  220. More machinery
  221. Tell me something
  222. Blade
  223. Hey!!!!
  224. Just Checking In
  225. Knife Show
  226. question for Don
  227. BBQ this weekend
  228. Next newsletter
  229. Central Texas Knife Show - TKCA Membership Meeting
  230. Tell me about the show
  231. wierd day
  232. General Membership Meeting - Spirit of Steel Show
  233. weekend metalworking
  234. TKCA newsletter
  235. Looking for a knifemaker
  236. For Don Halter
  237. Newsletter
  238. "Texas Legends" Presentation at SOS Show
  239. Passing of Texas Legend
  240. Need stuff for our next newsletter
  241. Anyone?
  242. Let's do something together!!
  243. Memorial Service for Clay Gault
  244. Latama Quick Release is Now Avadable
  245. 4th. quarter 007 newsletter
  246. Newsletter
  247. weekend hammer-in
  248. Houston area "hammer-in"
  249. New TKCA Central Texas Knife Show
  250. Lubbock Area Makers