View Full Version : Knife Photography Discussion

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  1. Digital Photography
  2. Equipment that you use?
  3. Best digital going right now ... price for feature
  4. Just Plain Photography
  5. Close up Photography
  6. Thank you:
  7. Photos
  8. Take advantage of a knowledgeable PHOTOGRAPHER!!!
  9. Welcome Home Terrill !!!
  10. A New Deal For You!
  11. Do good pics help sell knives??
  12. Terrill, Can you post your photo tent tutorial?
  13. Which camera
  15. Digital Photo Lights
  16. OK ... Need everyone's opinion ... (Image Review)
  17. Small tips for better pics...share them
  18. Art photos or straight shots ...? (Pics)
  19. CONTEST ---- New Rule Addendum
  20. Welcome Joel Pirela
  21. This is a poll. What do you think?
  22. Photo Board - Moving to it's own area on the forum
  23. Week2??
  24. any info on Minolta's new 5.2 mega pix
  25. A hint for photodeluxe
  26. Pictures
  27. Photopoint inhales vast quantities of air!
  28. Voting anonymously How would that be?
  29. I got a new toy
  30. Alex Whetsell can all the forums vote?
  31. help size pic
  32. Greater Interest!!!
  33. Week Three is going to kill me
  34. Product Table
  35. On behalf of my fellow photographers - Alex ......
  36. Hey, I have an idea. Lets fix a pic!!!
  37. Contest
  38. Just For The Record!!!
  39. Steve Korn - Week 5
  40. Todd - Week 5
  41. Week 5 - dogman
  42. Off His High Horse!!!!
  43. Replacement for photopoint?
  44. Week 5 - Joel Pirela
  45. week 5 - JerryO13
  46. Week 6- Cowles
  47. Shooting damascus, share your methods
  48. Objective Critiques week 5
  49. Week 6- Fred Carter
  50. How to stop reflection?
  51. It would be educational...............
  52. Todd - Week 6
  53. dogman week 6
  54. Well ... it's getting hot on the contest board ...
  55. Joel Pirela - week VI
  56. Korn Week 6
  57. Week 5 Marathon
  58. Week 7 -Terrill
  59. PhilL Week 7
  60. Todd - week 7
  61. Week 6 Picture Technique and other comments
  62. dogman week 7
  63. It Must Be Working
  64. Hey, dont forget its Friday!!!
  65. Week 7-Steve Korn
  66. can?t vote
  67. Vote for my Pic or...
  68. digital
  69. posting pictures
  70. Week 7 - This is getting out of hand
  71. Week 7 Ho Hum Fred Carter waxes us again!
  72. Week 8 - Rade Hawkins
  73. Week 7 Ho hum Fred Carter Waxes us again!!! (2)
  74. Week 7 Fred Carter waxes us again!!!(3)
  75. Freds Picture
  76. Are we so good ????
  77. Let's save money!!!
  78. tips and save money
  79. Week 8 - acs1943 (Alan)
  80. Dogman
  81. I did it
  82. Week 8 - dogman
  83. Week #8 PhilL
  84. Do I smell an upset brewing?
  85. Week 8- Cowles
  86. Participants who have run out of knives...........
  87. Week 8 - Terrill
  88. Week 8 Steve k.
  89. Week 8- Fred Carter
  90. R Todd - week 8
  91. Week 8- Alex Whetsell
  92. I Think We Are Great!
  93. Comfort Policy WK. 8?
  94. "MAGIC" will be edited for CKD Tutorials
  95. And you think you've got problems?
  96. Anyone tried the new CKD chat room?
  97. Scanners: Expert PhilL
  98. week 9- Don Cowles
  99. Week10-Eric Elson
  100. Week 9 - Wulf
  101. Todd - week 9
  102. Week 8 Congratulations Fred Carter
  103. Week 8 Here we go again.........Critiques!
  104. one more time
  105. week 9 Alan
  106. New approach, maybe Steve was right
  107. At full strength!!!
  108. Sorry
  109. Photoshop...help needed
  110. Alex is buying the coffee!
  111. week 9 - dogman
  112. Week 10- Max Burnett
  113. Week 10- Fred Carter
  114. Week 9 - Alex Whetsell
  115. Week 9 ????
  116. PhilL Week #9
  117. Will there be ???
  118. Photos
  119. Photos Ben Hall
  120. Week 9 Fiasco?!?!?
  121. We have winners!
  122. WEEK 10 begins JUNE 15, 2001
  123. Hey Wulf! Funny Stuff!
  124. Week 9 critique
  125. Week 9 revisited
  126. Test pic
  127. Richard Todd
  128. B.J. Hall here is your corrected pic!!!
  129. The BLADE SHOW is over..............
  130. T. Hoffman
  131. Week 10 - dogman
  132. Week 10 - Alex
  133. Week 10 (Doug Mondt)
  134. Week 10 - Huffman
  135. Week 10 PhilL
  136. Week 10- Cowles
  137. Week 10 Korn
  138. Week 10
  139. Week 10 - Wulf
  140. week 10 Alan
  141. Let's Get Out And Vote!!!
  144. Lets Start Off Right
  145. Edit button
  146. Terrill-Week 11
  147. Week 11 - Max Burnett
  148. Whoooo ... nice!
  149. But Richard, I like flowers:)
  150. Week 11 (Mondt)
  151. Week 11- Rade Hawkins
  152. Week Eleven - Gene Lee
  153. Week 11 - Alex
  154. Week 11 TAZ575
  155. My Week 11
  156. what has happened to this forum?
  157. todd week11
  158. Week 11 Korn
  159. Looking forward
  160. week 11 - dogman
  161. Setup and Equipment
  162. alex picture
  163. Whooo Weeee ... Gene Lee!
  164. Comments on Week 11
  165. Which Film?
  166. Thanks for your compliments!!!
  167. Week Twelve - Gene Lee
  168. Week Twelve - Jens Anso
  169. Week 12- Rade Hawkins
  170. Coming up WEEK 12
  171. Week 12 Korn
  172. Week 12 - Max
  173. My Lunch with Steve Korn
  174. My lunch with Phill
  175. Week 12 - dogman
  176. Week 12- Alex
  177. Voting Booth
  178. Contest rules?
  179. Okay, I messed up!
  180. Question - how do you hold your knives up?
  181. Online storage
  182. Sony Mavica Cameras
  183. I didn't get to vote this week
  184. Comments Week 12
  185. Week 13 - Max
  186. Week 13- Fred Carter
  187. Week 13 - Roger Gregory
  188. Week 13 - Neil Charity
  189. Weak 13
  190. Week 13 - dogman
  191. Week 13 Steve Korn
  192. Want to get some honest feedback on your knife work?
  193. Week 14 - dogman
  194. Comments on Week 13
  195. more week 13
  196. Todd - week 14
  197. Richard Todd
  198. Should we roll the contest over a week for more entries?
  199. Week 14- Rade Hawkins
  200. Week 14 - Alex Whetsell
  201. Voting Booth (Contest Week 14)
  202. Week 14 Steven Korn
  203. Question about scanning great photographs..
  204. Photopoint down...alternatives
  205. Week 14 - Alex Whetsell
  206. Ever do anything stupid with the camera?
  207. Kodak DC 4800
  208. Week 15 - dogman
  209. Comments Week 14
  210. Week 15 - Max Burnett
  211. week 15--------RADE HAWKINS
  212. Bob Dogget photo
  213. Week 15 Alan
  214. lost picture
  215. Week 15 Steve Korn
  216. Week 15
  217. Week 15 - Huffman
  218. Holy Cow!
  219. Thumbnails?
  220. Say Bye!
  221. Week 15 - Alex Whetsell
  222. Don't forget ... today's the deadline (Friday 20th)
  223. Mookmaan is here!
  224. grrrrrr
  225. How do you make high-polished blades look real?
  226. Week 15 - Fred Carter
  227. Voting Booth Week 14 [CKD Photo of the Week Contest]
  228. Week 16 - Mookmaan
  229. Hey mookmaan -- please read.
  230. This Knife doesn't exist...
  231. WEEK 16 Rade hawkins
  232. I was only gone for a few days!
  233. voting
  234. Bottom of the ninth inning ... long ball Max Burnett
  235. Week 16 Early Entries
  236. Comments Week 15
  237. Week 16 - dogman
  238. Info on Shooting Metal
  239. Ok, lets be honest.
  240. Photo Contest - A Question
  241. Let's be honest .... Part II
  242. Shotgunone
  243. week 16- Don Cowles
  244. Week 16 Steve Korn
  245. Week 16 - Todd
  246. Week 16 Alan
  247. here we go again Help
  248. Week 16 - Huffman
  249. Week 16 Fred Carter
  250. Early Start Week 16